
Brand & Family Photographer
Houston, Tx

Kingwood photographer

Senior Portraits

November 30, 2015

Senior Portraits – Chris

I was so excited for this shoot for multiple reasons – 1. It was soooo good to finally be back behind the camera for real after having to take a break for the last part of my pregnancy and since Pumpkin was born. 2. It was awesome to get to take Chris’s portraits because he’s the younger brother of one of the amazing women I work with at SFA, and I’ve known him since he started as a freshman at SFA. 3. It ended up having multiple personal details/locations, and I love when the images can really tell a deeper story in that one moment.

Nacogdoches photographer senior portraits of SFA grad Nacogdoches photographer senior portraits of SFA grad Nacogdoches photographer senior portraits of SFA grad

We started out getting some shots with the iconic sign at the main entrance to campus, and Chris was a natural right from the beginning!

Nacogdoches photographer senior portraits of SFA gradNacogdoches photographer senior portraits of SFA grad

Love this one!

Nacogdoches photographer senior portraits of SFA grad

Then we moved deeper into campus to one building he’s spent a lot of time in as a business major…

Nacogdoches photographer senior portraits of SFA grad Nacogdoches photographer senior portraits of SFA grad

And to another iconic campus location, Surfin’ Steve…

Nacogdoches photographer senior portraits of SFA grad Nacogdoches photographer senior portraits of SFA grad

The next place we went is another building Chris has spent many hours in, the Rec center. Chris has worked for the rec for a long time, and does a great job! And this series of photos? They may just be a new favorite… too funny!

Nacogdoches photographer senior portraits of SFA grad

Chris, I was always happy when you were working on orientation nights because I knew you’d be able to help handle anything that might happen!

Nacogdoches photographer senior portraits of SFA grad Nacogdoches photographer senior portraits of SFA grad Nacogdoches photographer senior portraits of SFA grad

These last photos were at the very end of the shoot, but I am so glad we took the time to capture them. Chris told me he had his first Bible in his truck, and he wanted to get a photo with it if possible… ummm, yes. I absolutely love this… such a powerful, visual reminder that we need to remember to always include God and His hand in the celebrations of our accomplishments. The pages nearly falling out and the spine and cover peeling back in places weren’t flaws I wanted to conceal in photos… they are beautiful proof of the time spent in His word, and they were just perfect.

Nacogdoches photographer senior portraits of SFA grad

Chris, thanks for letting me be a small part of your SFA & graduation experience! I know you’re meant for big things, and I can’t wait to hear all about them!!

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