The year was only a few hours old, and already the old familiar feeling of needing to be crushing goals, making progress, checking things off the list, doing more, being more NOW had creeped in. The need to be growing my business in leaps & bounds.
There’s a lot to be said (in a positive way) for not being willing to settle. There’s lot to be said for wanting to continue learning & growing. There’s a lot to be said for pushing yourself to step out of your comfort zone & achieve your goals.
But the problem is that a lot of the time, that drive – that desire to learn & grow & achieve – isn’t paired with patience. It’s not paired with a respect for the timeline. It’s not paired with the ability to sit & enjoy the wait.
On that first day of 2019, when the year was only a few hours old, Max and I stole away for a few minutes to go sit on the beach. As I sat in the warm sunshine with the cool, salty sea breeze on my face & the sound of waves filling my ears, it was just what I needed for that moment, but as we left & I watched the surfers, I realized it might have really been just what I needed for this YEAR.
Because you see, those surfers out there, they enjoy the excitement and the thrill of the action. They enjoy the rush of riding the wave forward. But they are also content in the wait. The time spent watching the next set roll in & choosing the right wave to move in on, that’s a part of the joy.
In business & in life, there are seasons of crazy forward momentum. Moments full of action and clear forward progress. And then there are the slower seasons. The moments when you’re searching for the next move. Moments when you feel like you’re just caught in the wait. But those moments are the ones that set you up for the thrill of action. And in those moments, you can slow down & enjoy the view.
So this year, I’m going to try to take a cue from those SoCal surfers & give my all to the action moments & fully settle in to enjoy the slower, in-between moments too.