Halloween hasn’t ever really been one of my favorite holidays (minus the candy… that part I love!), but since we had Peanut, it’s gotten more and more fun for me! This year was our first experience with carving a pumpkin, and it was fun to watch Peanut and her daddy take part in the tradition.
Max decided to go with the classic jack-o-lantern look for the pumpkin this year, and I think it was the perfect start to Peanut’s pumpkin carving experience!
Obviously Max did all the carving, but Peanut did a great job helping scoop out all the insides!
Two of my favorites with the finished product! I’d say it looks like that little girl is pretty happy with how it turned out!
What has really been fun for me since becoming a family of three (and now four) is coming up with coordinating Halloween costumes to wear as a family. Nothing has been too elaborate (this bargain shopper’s gotta keep things cheap), but it’s been really fun coming up with costumes that all relate to each other.
Now I have to admit that we’ve been terrible so far at actually getting photos of our costumes, so please don’t judge these photos for their quality – they’re about all I’ve got for proof of our first few Halloweens! For Peanut’s first Halloween, she was a mouse (like I was for my first Halloween – sentimental & sweet, right??), I was a cat, and Max, bless his heart, was a piece of cheese. Last year, I was a letter, Peanut was a USPS Mail carrier, and Max was a dog.
This year as a family of four, we represented my alma mater and our family’s favorite sport – football! I was a Texas Tech football player, Peanut was a Texas Tech cheerleader, Max was a referee, and little Pumpkin was the cutest little football! (And thanks to my mom for trying to help us up our photo game little bit this year!)
I just have to take a second to say how much I appreciate the way that my sweet husband just goes along with my crazy family costume ideas. I know I appreciate it, and I hope these two little girls look back at these photos and see proof of just how much their daddy loves them and their mama!
Also, just for the sake of honesty… Here’s a little glimpse of iPhone proof of how quickly things go from sweet to chaos in our household… One second, all smiles… and the next second is a toddler scratching her baby sister’s head and mom and dad trying to keep it together. Happy Halloween!
What happened to the teeth on the pumpkin? …..