It’s always so amazing to me when I walk into a newborn session with first-time parents & they are so calm & collected & relaxed… it’s like they’ve been doing this whole parenting thing for forever & like caring for a newborn is a piece of cake. These two? They were totally like that! And I think maybe the way they clearly work as a team is part of the reason… that, and I think they were just destined to be parents to sweet little Caroline, so nothing could seem more natural!
Stephanie, motherhood looks GOOD on you!!! It’s not fair you look this great after just having a baby! You’re beautiful!!
Those sweet little baby details get me every time!
The joy that spread across Trae’s face as he looked at his daughter??? Seriously the sweetest. I can imagine so many milestones in Caroline’s life that bring that light into her daddy’s eyes.. and lots of every day kind of moments too!
I don’t even know the story behind this, but I just had to get a photo of this Bible verse sitting right next to the chair in Caroline’s room. Such a sweet detail & what a gift to have that precious girl surrounded by the Lord’s words from day one.
Love love LOVE this one!!!!
I’m telling y’all…. these two are such naturals!!!
I just love nursery details & decor, and I think Stephanie did it perfectly – especially since they didn’t know if they were having a boy or a girl!
Another favorite!!! (And can I just say… that smushed-face, whole-body-relaxed kind of sleep??? I want some!!)
Another fave!!
Stephanie & Trae, thank you so much for welcoming me into your home & letting me take photographs of you with your precious girl. She is beautiful, and she’s lucky to be yours! I hope you’re all getting some good sleep & just soaking in all those newborn snuggles!