We are almost to the 6 month mark of the timeframe for my first Yearly Bucket List, so I figured it would be a great time to check in on the list for an update (and a little accountability)!
So here we have it… the original post will be getting updated too as I go along.
- Go camping.
- Write & mail hand-written “love letters” to important people in my life.
Read at least 4 books – two recommended to me by loved ones, at least one non-fiction, and one just for fun.Done: Somewhere in France by Jennifer Robson, Sparkly Green Earrings by Melanie Shankle, I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai & Yes Please by Amy Poehler (you can find my thoughts on the first three here, and as for Yes Please, I love Amy Poehler even more now!)Host a wine tasting party.Done – December 13thRun through the sprinklers.Done – August 27th- Print more of my photography for our house.
- Have a picnic.
Go on a weekend getaway with Max.Done – December 20th-21stSee a play.Done – November 21st – Spamalot (and December 20th – A Christmas Carol)- Run two 5k races.
- Try a sewing project (something other than pillows or burp cloths).
- Plant hydrangeas in our yard.
- Re-finish or re-purpose a flea market or antique mall find.
- Give gifts to 2 or 3 people, “just because.”
- Go to a museum.
- Take a self-portrait – bonus points if it’s with Peanut!
Keep a happiness journal everyday for at least a month.Done – October (Journal updates here, here, here and here)
I have to say that there is one item in particular that has me a little concerned about completing it (I’m lookin’ at you, Number 10). Going into my busiest season at work (with both jobs) and looking at the upcoming heat and humidity of East Texas makes that one seem a little less than appealing. But hey, there’s still time, and maybe I’ll be able to get myself started on training soon.
There are a few that are already in planning stages/in progress, so I have to say that as I approach the halfway mark, I’m feeling pretty good about my first attempt at a Yearly Bucket List!