Sweet girl,
You’re eight months old! WHAT?!? (And since I’m finally getting around to posting this, you’re almost 9 months old! But I’m going with my word of the year & giving myself grace on this one!)
You are still my little Sunshine girl – almost always happy!! Unless you don’t get what you want or your sister is hugging or kissing you too much. Then you definitely make sure we hear about it. I don’t think I’m going to have to worry about you standing up for yourself, little one, and that makes me happy.
You’re constantly on the move and have figured out how to climb over the toy bins we put in the way to try to block you into the couch area.
You love to eat & there hasn’t really been anything that you haven’t liked so far. You’ve recently decided that you don’t like to have your diaper changed or your clothes changed, so we have to give you toys on the changing pad to keep you distracted, so this next image looks pretty familiar!
You’ve started sitting up with your feet kicked back by the sides of your bottom, and when you get excited you’ll bounce up and down like that. It’s like the joy just radiates out of you, and I have to say that’s one of my favorite habits of yours!
You still crack me up daily with your facial expressions or the noises you’ll make. You have gotten pretty good at repeating certain sounds back to me, with “ma” & “bop/bob” being your favorites.
You also started playing peek-a-boo which is so much fun! You love to grab a toy, your blanket, or your clothes (especially when getting your diaper changed), and pull them over your face. The dimpled grin & little giggles I get when you throw your arms down away from your face and I say “peek-a-boo!” are the best.
As you turned 8 months, you still don’t have any teeth yet, but we know they’re on the way soon since you are constantly chewing those little fingers of yours!
Pumpkin, I love you so so so so much sweet girl. I am so thankful that I get to be your mama and watch you learn and grow each and every day. You’re a blessing for our family and I couldn’t imagine life without you! Thank you for the laughter and joy you bring me, and thank you for making my heart even bigger than I ever thought possible.
I love you to the moon & back!!