
Brand & Family Photographer
Houston, Tx

Kingwood family photographer

Cake Smash, Children Portraits

July 18, 2016

Cake Smash – Quinn

Y’all, I am soooo glad I got to photograph Quinn’s cake smash in Houston!! This girl is entirely too cute (as you can tell by the fact that I “narrowed” down her photos to about 1,023 for this blog post)!! Getting to see the rest of her sweet family, including big brother Wyatt (who happens to be a cake smash pro), & her mama – one of my all-time favorite people made me so happy!

From the sweet little gold sparkle and light pink tulle on her dress down to her perfectly pink little toenails, Quinn was ready for this! She has the funniest little facial expressions, with the best ones being reserved for her big brother and the cat haha. And her cake-eating style? I’m toooootally ok with it.

Houston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearlsHouston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearls

Those eyes!! Jason, you’re in trouble already!!

Houston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearlsHouston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearlsHouston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearls

I love this one!

Houston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearlsHouston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearlsHouston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearls

I absolutely adore her little scrunchy nose in this one!!

Houston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearlsHouston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearls

As if the outfits couldn’t get any cuter, then Jess busted this out! Precious!!

Houston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearls

I know, Quinn!! I can’t believe you’re already turning one either!!!

Houston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearls

Those pink little toenails & those pearls… be still my heart!!

Houston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearlsHouston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearls

Aaaand off they go!

Houston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearlsHouston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearlsHouston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearls

I always love to watch the beginning of a cake smash when the little one just really has no idea what in the heck is going on, and then looking around with the disbelief that they’re actually allowed to just dig in and make an incredible mess if they want to!

Houston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearls

And here’s that cake-eating style I mentioned. See? Most definitely my kind of girl.

Houston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearlsHouston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearlsHouston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearls

Love this one too!!

Houston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearlsHouston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearlsHouston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearlsHouston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearlsHouston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearls

These next two are DEFINITELY favorites!!!

Houston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearlsHouston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearlsHouston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearlsHouston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearlsHouston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearlsHouston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearlsHouston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearls

If you haven’t already passed out from all the cuteness, just wait… big brother Wyatt joined in, and my heart just about burst!

Houston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearlsHouston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearlsHouston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearlsHouston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearls

When the sugar crash starts to kick in…

Houston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearls

This bottom image? LOVE!

Houston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearlsHouston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearlsHouston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearlsHouston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearls

Quinn, happy birthday little girl!!! You are just too sweet and I am so thankful that I’ve been able to help get images for you to be able to look back on as you grow up and see just how much you were loved from the very beginning. Enjoy your party & hopefully you get some more cake!

Houston cake smash photographer with floral outfits and pearls

Jess & Jason, big thanks to both of you for letting me join in on these sweet family moments with y’all. I hope to see a lot more of y’all soon!!!


To see the rest of Quinn’s Little Ones shoots (and you definitely should), just click below!


Outfit Vendors:

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  1. Jordana says:

    So sweet! I love the pearls and bloomers.

  2. Jessica says:

    These are absolutely ADORABLE! I love your style and the connection you have this sweet family. So cute!

  3. Jessica says:

    So so sweet. You captured such lovely moments! Great work!

  4. Now that girl knows how to eat cake!!!

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