Dear Pumpkin,
Sweet girl, you’re 4 today! You have grown up so much this year and it’s been both tough & amazing to watch. Just in the past few weeks I’ve had so many moments of looking at you & seeing a kid instead of a toddler, & Oma has mentioned the same thing. You’re growing & changing every day, but you continue to have a strong will and a kind heart and an incredible sense of humor.
You’ve started going to Pre-K 3, and you love going to “the big kid school” with your sister. It pulls on my heart every time I watch the two of you walk down the hall together as she drops you off at class in the mornings. She loves you SO much & you always look so proud to be walking those hallways. It’s been a little tough for you to adjust to the full 5 days a week, but you’re thriving & Daddy & I couldn’t be prouder!
Some of your favorite things are:
- Granola bars – pretty much any kind, but especially Kid’s Larabars!!
- Riding your scooter
- Getting treats (popsicles or juice) from our neighbors
- Swimming
- Watching Wild Kratts, Bolt & Mary Poppins Returns
- Daddy reading your bedtime stories & singing to you at night (especially the Disney 5 minute story versions of The Gingerbread Man & The Princess and the Pea)
- Lollipops
- Dance class (possibly because you get a lollipop at the end)
- Coming to sleep in mommy & daddy’s bed at night
- Playing dress up – you have the best “royal/princess” facial expression!
- Wearing the watermelon purse Meagan gave you
- Bubbles
- Making people laugh
- Babies – both your pretend babies and any real baby we’re around, you just want to love on them & it’s the sweetest thing! (This also prompts a lot of questions about when I’m going to have a baby in my tummy!)
- Singing Beach Boys songs in Pops’ truck
- Wearing your shoes on the wrong feet
You’ve started taking dance class and are on a soccer team, and you tend to lead the pack with your big personality and you love to talk to your teachers/coach. It’s such a joy to watch you try new things.
You feel things so strongly & are very expressive – which can be tough at times as your mama – but I can’t wait to watch you channel those emotions as you grow older. I know that you’ll be able to impact so many lives with your passion & big heart & quick wit.
Sweet girl, you make our lives so full & continue to push me to grow & become a better person every day. I can’t say enough how blessed I am to get to be your mama. I love you to Pluto & back!