I smiled & shook her hand as I introduced myself as we walked onto the beach. Then she said it…
“I have to be honest… I am having a bit of a fan girl moment right now!”
Then I said it…
“What? A fan girl moment meeting ME?? Surely you’ve got me confused with someone else! I mean, I don’t even have 1,000 Instagram followers, I haven’t been able to make it to full time yet, I could go on and on…”
But that sweet, talented photographer meant it. And the more I thought about it, the more of a gut check moment it was for me.
You see? I’m not where I want to be yet. My business is not where I want it to be yet. Yes, I am proud of my work & am happy to be where I am, but I haven’t reached my goals, so I never even considered that someone may be looking at my current situation as the point they’d like to get to.
But the more I thought about it, the more I began to take a second to appreciate where I am. Because I have come a long way (even if there’s a lot longer to go still!).
It’s so easy to get caught up in focusing on that “finish line” (that honestly just continues to move further once you reach it), and as we focus on that goal, we completely lose sight of where we started. We forget how in the beginning, we would have been THRILLED to be where we are now. It’s way too easy to lose sight of the growth we’ve made and all the little goals we’ve achieved along the way.
So today, I want you to take a few minutes to simply appreciate where you are. Take a few minutes to look back at the journey you’ve made so far, and be proud of yourself. You don’t have to lose sight of your new goals to be mindful of all the little ones you’ve already checked off the list.
Kick your imposter syndrome to the side & enjoy where you are right now, ok friend? Because the big dreams & lofty goals will still be there when you’re done. And you never know… you just might be even more motivated to chase after them when you see how far you’ve already come.