
Brand & Family Photographer
Houston, Tx





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When it comes to flat lay photography, it tends to look like it would be much easier than it really is! Trying to get a variety of height levels, putting all of your props in the perfect location, getting good light, and getting round items to stay put are much harder than you’d think! Today […]

As a mom AND a business owner, it can sometimes be a bit overwhelming to keep track of everything I need to get done! Adding in keeping everyone’s schedules in order, and it’s a recipe for overwhelm! While I don’t have it all figured out, I have found a few tools that help me immensely. […]

I smiled & shook her hand as I introduced myself as we walked onto the beach. Then she said it…   “I have to be honest… I am having a bit of a fan girl moment right now!”   Then I said it… “What? A fan girl moment meeting ME?? Surely you’ve got me confused […]

I recently posted about 8 different ways you can use your brand photos, but outside of the specific ways that you can use your images, there are four key things that they should be accomplishing for you – regardless of where/how you’re using them! Just like parenting, building a business is a whole lot of […]

When I first started out on Instagram, I was just using it as a person, not as a business owner. If you take the time to scroll allllll the way back to the beginning, you’ll see lots of posts with no captions, a whole lotta filters/frames, and ZERO consistency. I also didn’t think at all […]

Think about some of the major brands that have a ton of recognition and awareness: Pepsi Nike Neutrogena Calvin Klein Covergirl Capital One   What’s the one thing they have in common? They hire celebrities to be the “face” of their brand. So does that mean I’m expecting you to be able to get a […]

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