
Brand & Family Photographer
Houston, Tx

Kingwood family & brand photographer image of San Clemente, CA beach, Inspiration, Personal

January 12, 2017

Your Heart Place

Over the Christmas break I was in the place where I feel the most settled, the most content. The place where I feel like I breathe just a little bit deeper & smile a little bit bigger.

We still had a day or two left in the trip but I found myself starting to already think about missing that place. About missing that warm sunshine full heart feeling.

But in that moment with the salty sea breeze in my hair & the sunshine on my face, I made a decision. There is no reason I can’t get back to that place anytime I want. Sure, I won’t be able to fly to Southern California as often as I’d like (weekly – if not daily!), but I can try my best to bottle up that feeling & bring it out whenever I need it.


I know what the warm sunshine feels like.

I can hear the rolling & rushing of the waves onto the sand.

I can smell the slightly salty air.

I can feel the sand under my feet & in-between my toes.


All of those things that fill my soul, I feel like I know them inside & out. So I’ve decided to just focus my mind to put myself there. When I need a break to fuel my soul, I’m going to give myself just a few minutes to mentally put myself on that pier, on that beach, on that bench overlooking the ocean.


What’s your heart place? That place where you can literally feel yourself relax into yourself. The place you breathe just a little bit deeper & smile just a little bit bigger.

Is it your grandmother’s house with homemade chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven? Is it right at the top of a mountain peak with a fresh path of crisp white snow leading you down? Is it curled up in a bed made with just-washed sheets and a paperback novel in your hand? Is it your kitchen filled with streaming morning light & the sound of little feet pounding down the worn wooden-floored hallway?


Where ever it is, friend, practice bringing all those details to life in your mind. Then go there as often as you’d like. And if your heart place happens to be the beaches of Southern California, I’ll see you there! I’d love to hear your favorite thing about your heart place in the comments below!

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