Max and I are both taking this week off… it’s already started off well already.
Sleeping in (a little), finishing the 30 day beach body challenge, spending a blissful hour getting a massage, and coming home to a clean house and happy baby just waking up from a nap.
I’ve gotten two pieces of news today regarding family members’ health, and it has been a reminder that the real blessing in this week off is getting to spend time with my sweet family. Time with Peanut – reading books, bath times, probably some time in the pool and lots of giggles. Time with Max – sharing meals, watching movies, having adult conversations that don’t revolve around who is going to be picking up the baby, and probably catching up on some DVR.
Sure, the massage was wonderful. And yes, a clean house is great.
But really – this week off is about time together as a family.
And it’s reminded me just how thankful I am for our wonderful extended family.
Enjoy your time with family!!!