I am so excited about today! We got our first portraits done as a family of 3, thanks to a very talented friend from college, and I am thrilled! We had a wonderful time with Lynsey, and lucked out with the sun coming out just in time for our shoot in downtown Houston.
I think as photographers, it is so easy to forget to be in the picture. That, or we pretend to “forget” so that we can stay where we are comfortable, and not have to be the one in front of the camera. It’s a hard switch to all of a sudden be the one in front of the camera when you are used to being able to really see what the image will be like and be in control of the creative process. That being said, I think there’s a lot to be said for photographers getting their own portraits done.
I had a few opportunities within the past year to be on the flip side, and I have to admit I was a little bit of a mess. As we pulled up to our engagement shoot, I told Max “I really hope my clients don’t feel this nervous when they are coming to their shoot… It has to be because I am so used to being the photographer and this is out of my norm, right?”
Cut to 4 minutes into the shoot, and between Max and our wonderful photographer, I was relaxed, laughing, and truly just sitting back and enjoying the experience.
As a photographer, I hope I can help my clients relax and enjoy their whole portrait process – from first inquiry all the way till products are delivered and beyond.
On the other side of things, I have decided that for any family portraits we have that I will try my best be the client I’d love to have: excited and willing to just go into the shoot ready to have fun with it and enjoy the experience! I did that today, and between that mentality and a sweet photographer, I truly had a great time. I can’t wait to see & share the results with you!