If there’s something you’ve been considering doing, or especially if there’s something you’ve been dreaming about, I want to be the person who says to you:
“Go for it.”
I know sometimes we feel like we need permission to try something new. To branch out. To do that thing we can’t seem to kick out of our minds.
So if that’s you right now, if you’re fighting to push back that idea that just won’t go away…
Go for it.
Try it.
Make it.
Do it.
Build it.
Because whatever it is, it isn’t going away for a reason. It’s popping back into your daily life at moments that seem completely random. It’s fighting to stay present, so just do it.
If it doesn’t work out like you thought it would… ok. Really. It’s ok. There’s bound to be another thought, another dream, another idea that just won’t go away. And then you can go do that one.
Again – if you need the permission – you’ve got it right here, friend. Go for it.