
Brand & Family Photographer
Houston, Tx

Kingwood photographer's annual letter to daughter, Peanut, on her 6th birthday

Dear Peanut, Personal

July 24, 2019

Dear Peanut – 6 Years

Sweet girl,

You turn 6 today. SIX!!! It’s been another incredible year of watching you grow & seeing your personality develop. You still have a heart the size of Texas, and I think that might just be one of my favorite things about you. You are quick to give a hug, say an “I love you” or find little ways to take care of Pumpkin, Daddy and me.

In just a few short weeks, you’ll be starting first grade, and I can’t even begin to tell you how excited you are! You’re feeling (& acting) pretty grown up a lot of the time lately, and while it’s fun to see, it’s also hard on this mama heart. You see, it’s been a looooong time since you could fit on my chest to settle in for a nap. It’s been a looooooong time since the only entertainment you needed was for us to smile at you as we coo’ed back and forth. It’s hard on my mama heart to know for certain that you’re no longer my baby. But at the same time, sweet girl, it’s oh-so-amazing. Because lately when we get a chance to do something – just the two of us – it feels more & more like we’re hanging out. Not always, and of course at this stage (and for a lot of years to come), my job is to be your mama not your friend, but there are more & more moments where we get to make a Target run like I would with a friend. And Peanut, I can’t tell you how happy that makes me to imagine us truly being friends when you’re grown (just like I am with your Oma!)!!!

Kingwood photographer's annual letter to daughter, Peanut, on her 6th birthday Kingwood photographer's annual letter to daughter, Peanut, on her 6th birthday Kingwood photographer's annual letter to daughter, Peanut, on her 6th birthday

You still have a very girly side & love to do your hair with lots of bows or clips, and you still love to wear dresses & heels. Putting on your big girl purse as we head out the door always brings a smile to your face. You LOVED getting all dolled up for your dance competitions throughout the last year, and while you’ve decided you like dance but the competition team isn’t for you, I am so proud of how you worked hard & were a part of your team. I can’t wait to see you this year as you continue to dance but also try out soccer this fall & most likely try out softball in the spring!

Kingwood photographer's annual letter to daughter, Peanut, on her 6th birthday Kingwood photographer's annual letter to daughter, Peanut, on her 6th birthday

You love to be silly & try your best to make all of us laugh. My favorite is when you crack yourself up in the process!

Kingwood photographer's annual letter to daughter, Peanut, on her 6th birthday Kingwood photographer's annual letter to daughter, Peanut, on her 6th birthday Kingwood photographer's annual letter to daughter, Peanut, on her 6th birthday Kingwood photographer's annual letter to daughter, Peanut, on her 6th birthday

You love:

  • Unicorns
  • Narwhals (of course – they’re the unicorn of the sea! In fact, your birthday party is narwhal-themed this year!)
  • Singing
  • Making yourself a peanut butter & jelly sandwich for breakfast
  • Swimming
  • The beach
  • Watching Doc McStuffins, DIY Sci, Bubble Guppies
  • Baking with daddy
  • Painting with mommy
  • Daddy or I tossing the ball so you can practice batting
  • Making art creations out of random bits of paper, recyclables, & other supplies
  • Fancy Nancy & Pinkalicious stories before bedtime
  • Granola bars, chicken nuggets, yogurt popsicles & Kids Larabars
  • Playing school or daycare with all of your stuffed animals
  • Sandwiches from Subway
  • Pulling out your teeth so that the tooth fairy will come visit
  • Using the word “literally”
  • “Spying” on me with your sister


Kingwood photographer's annual letter to daughter, Peanut, on her 6th birthday Kingwood photographer's annual letter to daughter, Peanut, on her 6th birthday Kingwood photographer's annual letter to daughter, Peanut, on her 6th birthday

We see these hands a lot when you’re REALLY into explaining something to us… it’s usually also accompanied at some point by the use of the words “literally” or “seriously”!

Kingwood photographer's annual letter to daughter, Peanut, on her 6th birthday Kingwood photographer's annual letter to daughter, Peanut, on her 6th birthday

You seem to have turned a corner toward the end of this year as far as throwing fits. They are much fewer & farther between, although they do still happen occasionally & remind me to be stocking up lots of prayers already for your teenage years! For the most part though, you’re able to calm yourself down, apologize & ask for a hug. Those hugs baby girl? I think they tend to be more healing for me than for you.

You have also been very into trying to do things that make you feel grown up or responsible recently… like carrying the shopping list & checking items off, making your bed/pretend vacuuming the rug in your room, washing the dishes, folding the throw blankets/straightening the pillows on the couch. Let’s hope this is a phase that sticks around for a while!!!

Kingwood photographer's annual letter to daughter, Peanut, on her 6th birthday Kingwood photographer's annual letter to daughter, Peanut, on her 6th birthday Kingwood photographer's annual letter to daughter, Peanut, on her 6th birthday Kingwood photographer's annual letter to daughter, Peanut, on her 6th birthday Kingwood photographer's annual letter to daughter, Peanut, on her 6th birthday

Every other night, when daddy is putting Pumpkin to bed and I get to spend those last few minutes of your day with you, we read a story, share our highs & lows, say a bedtime prayer & then snuggle while I sing to you & rub your back. Hearing the things that make up your highs & lows is always such a powerful reminder to me to try to see things from your perspective & also reminds me of just what a special girl you are! Your heart is made of gold. I am always & forever thankful that God chose me to be your mommy & that he sent you to me to teach me so many important things, sweet girl.

Kingwood photographer's annual letter to daughter, Peanut, on her 6th birthday

You’ve decided that the moon just isn’t far enough (I have to say I agree), so my sweet girl, I love you to Pluto & back!

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