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Houston, Tx

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Dear Peanut, Mommyhood, Personal

September 17, 2015

Dear Peanut – 2 Years

Sweet girl,

You’re two. Two.

You’re two and almost two months now. And I still can’t quite wrap my brain around it. I look at you sometimes and can see no trace of the baby I had – you’ve become a little girl already.

Nacogdoches photographer images of daughter at two years old for Dear Peanut letter

You are so incredibly full of personality, and it seems as though you’re just growing up over night. You just moved out of your crib into a “big girl” toddler bed, and you have started to sometimes be able to use the potty like a big girl. These things both made my heart swell with pride and my eyes tear up at the thought of losing pieces of you being my baby. But I am mostly just so proud of you and the way you’re growing up.

You are so incredibly smart and it amazes me the things you learn each day and how quickly you pick up on them. You can count to 10 and say your ABC’s on your own (a few letters may get a little jumbled from time to time, but I’d say you’ve got it). Your daddy is quite proud of the things he’s taught you – most of all the old-school wrestling moves/phrases like the People’s Elbow and Rick Flair’s “WOOOOOO!” You’re inquisitive and observant and although you’re usually busy running through life, you somehow pick up on the little things still – which is a good reminder for me to try my best to pay attention to the details, even when life is moving waaaay to fast already.

Nacogdoches photographer images of daughter at two years old for Dear Peanut letter

You’re such a talker, Peanut, and you have a few favorite phrases that tend to be said many times each day:

“What’s this?” (This is asked about everything, even when you do know what that particular thing is – I think you just want to keep the conversation going and our attention on you, so you ask us what everything is.)

“What haaaappened?” (This is usually said quite dramatically – and it’s often after you’ve dropped, ripped or broken something on purpose.)

“That’s really reaaaaally cold/hot/silly/etc.” (You love to stress just how “really really                   ” things are lately. The facial expression that usually goes along with this one cracks me up almost every time.)

“My hands soooo dirty, Mama.” (This is normally said similarly to the way you describe things as “really really” – such emphasis and emotion with it. Pretty cute.)

“I be RIGHT. BACK.” (I love this one – whether you’re going to grab a book out of your room, or throw something into the trash can, if you’re leaving the room you tend to start walking running out, then stop to turn around and reassure me that you won’t be gone for too long.)

“Mommy hold you!/Daddy hold you!” (This is said a loooooot, and while it may get old a little bit, it still cracks me up the way you say it.)

“No.” (Thank you, toddlerhood.)

You looooooove to play in the water – whether it’s bath time or in your pool or at your water table. Makes me think you may end up loving swimming like your Uncle CJ and I did! (Also this next photo on the right cracks me up – apparently you inherited the need to stick out your tongue slightly when really concentrating on something – this is a generational thing, so just own it, little girl.)

Nacogdoches photographer images of daughter at two years old for Dear Peanut letter

Some things you love lately:

  • Finding Nemo (or Memo as you call him)
  • FaceTime with family members
  • Oatmeal
  • Getting on the roller with daddy
  • Checking the mail
  • The sandbox at school
  • Changing diapers on your baby dolls/stuffed animals
  • Taking off your own diapers
  • Bathtime
  • Five Little Monkeys
  • Throwing things (which drives your mother crazy, by the way)
  • Craisins
  • School busses
  • The fountain at church (especially if you get to throw pennies in)
  • Seeing pictures/watching videos of yourself on our phones or iPads
  • Stickers
  • Tutu kisses in your ear


Sweet girl, you have such a big personality and such a strong will. This tends to make for some exhausting or frustrating days for me and daddy when you’re determined to do things you’re not supposed to do, but at the end of the day, I’m glad to see you’re a strong little girl. You know what you want and you’re going to go after it – keep that. Don’t let life’s experiences dull that determination, Peanut. Channel it (and that energy of yours) to go after your goals and your dreams.

You’ve also got a very nurturing side, which makes my heart melt – you pick up your stuffed animal after putting on a diaper and holding it close to pat its back, you give your baby sister kisses almost everyday and have started reading to her, and you’re willing to give daddy or I kisses to make a “boo boo” go away. Keep that too. Strength and compassion are a very powerful combination.

Nacogdoches photographer images of daughter at two years old for Dear Peanut letter

Peanut, as you keep getting older, smarter and more strong-willed, remember to be patient and forgiving of your mama. I may not have the best parenting days everyday, but know that I’m trying my best and love you immensely. You have taught me so many life lessons, and I hope I’m able to give back even a portion of that to you.

And as we get closer to your sister’s arrival, know that while my time may have to be split between you two, my love isn’t. I will continue to love you more deeply and more fiercely each and everyday. You’ll always be the one that first made me a mama. Thank you for that, Peanut.

I love you, sweet girl!

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  1. Jan Rodine says:

    Brought a tear to my eye. I think you should have 4 or 5 kids……just saying….

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