I can’t even handle the cuteness that’s happening on the blog today! Lauren’s 9 month portrait session paired a gorgeous day, an adorable baby girl, and springtime flowers… what’s not to love?!?!
This is such a fun age & I loved seeing Lauren light up when she heard her mom & sister talking to her! This little girl is SO loved & you can tell how happy she is in these portraits!! And the garden area at Kingwood Garden Center was the perfect cheerful backdrop for her 9 month milestone session!
Watching little ones explore everyday things is always such a powerful reminder to me to take time to find awe & wonder in my days rather than just blowing through with my mind focused on my to-do list!
I loved watching Lauren’s curiosity & joy with this little flower!
Love this one! That little grin!!!
I know lots of newborn photographers focus on the tiny little details like fingers & toes (I do too), but I love to still get those details as they grow too… These are hands that are crawling & grabbing whatever they can find to try to figure out the world, and I just love getting photos to help mamas remember that years after those little hands have grown.
Love this one too!!
Pure joy. And those flowers. And that light!!! Favorite for sure.
So so so so so so sweet.
This photo? You want to know why I love it so much? Because I know that Lauren’s mama is just out of the frame to the right. That grin of love & joy & sunshine & warmth & adoration & more love is being focused right on her mama. And as a mama, I know that’s one of the very best feelings in the entire world.
Sweetness? Or deciding how quickly she’ll need to move to get a good handful of that gravel before mom or sister can make it to her….?
Gimmeeeee allll the baby arm rolls, please!! Love, love, LOVE!
Another favorite! (Yes, I have a ton of favorites from this session… can you blame me?!?)
I can’t believe our next milestone session will be the last of Lauren’s Little Ones collection, but we’ve already got something sweet planned, so while I’m a little sad, I’m so excited too!
To see more of Lauren’s Little Ones sessions, click here:
If you are expecting a Little One of your own & want more information about my Little Ones Collections, justĀ click here to send me a message. I can’t wait to hear from you!