
Brand & Family Photographer
Houston, Tx


July 8, 2014

When You Need to Re-Ignite Your Fire

We’ve all had those moments. The moments when you wake up realizing that you’d rather just stay in bed then get up and get started on the to-do list. When the weekend just wasn’t long enough. When you have to pick yourself up and remind yourself that the reason behind that to-do list used to set your world aflame.

So what do you do when you feel like your fire is so low that the slightest whisper of a word could blow it out? 

You start the fire again. You come home into yourself and your reason for being in that place.2014-07-07_0001


If the job isn’t your dream, but it’s allowing you to live comfortably to save for the future of your family, think of them as you dive in harder than ever before.

If the job started out as your dream, but you’ve come to a place so removed from that initial involvement that it seems worlds away, find a way to reclaim a piece of that past role each day.

If the job has become bigger than yourself and bigger than your family, fulfill your current promises, including the one to set — and KEEP — better boundaries moving forward.


If you need to rebuild that fire, find people who can help you. Go to the blogs of people who inspire you. Call the friend who knows you better than you know yourself. Look into the eyes of your children and pull that sense of wonder, that overwhelming trust and that joy from them. Look back at photos from the beginning – when you could do nothing but eat, sleep and breathe that job, that dream, that mission. Find one that pulls your heart back into that place of fire – then frame it. Put it on your desk at work. Put it on your dresser. Put it on your nightstand. Put that photo where you will see it each day, and vow to not let it become just another piece of decor, but an everlasting spark.

You know I have a deep rooted love of photos and the stories they tell, the power they hold. So of course I think a photo is a great way to keep the flames high and the embers white hot. But you need to find what works for you – a song, a quote, whatever you need. Find it, and hold it dear to you and know that you have it on your side when you feel like you need to re-ignite that fire.

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  1. Megan Walker says:

    I think everyone comes across a time when they need to re-ignite that fire. When I was an advisor, I got really bogged down in all the problems I had to fix every day. When I felt discouraged, I would open a folder I had created in Outlook of appreciation emails students had sent me. Those made me remember why I was an advisor: not to bail lazy people out, but to help those who needed it.

    This is a great lesson! Our Hump Day Happenings theme this week is Lessons Learned, so I would love for you to share this with our community. The party opens at 8 pm EDT and lasts all tomorrow.

    • bmariephoto says:

      Megan, my kindred spirit, I have a file folder in my desk drawer labeled “Positives” that has everything from funny cartoons to thank you notes, to random post-its my students have left on my desk over the years. It’s a go-to on rough days! So so so smart to have a version of that in email as well!

      I’ll definitely try to remember to head on over and link this tonight!

      How has the move gone??

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