Sweet girl,
I can’t believe another month has already gone by! This time of year is always crazy fast for me because of both of my jobs, but it’s even faster when I see how you’re growing! You stood on your own for a few seconds and took a step the other evening!!! I was so overcome with such pride and the most overwhelming thankfulness that I was here to see it. It was just one wobbly step that ended with you collapsing in my lap in a fit of giggles, but it was a step. Another step toward growing into the little girl you are becoming.
You’ve learned so many new tricks, and I’ve turned into that mama who wants to show each one of them off to anyone who will pay attention!! You get a kick out of waving “Hi” and “Bye”. That little arm of yours gets to moving, and you break into the cutest grin. Gets me every time! Even better than waving is playing “Where’s Peanut?” Hiding under whatever you can find, and waiting for your daddy and I to wonder out loud where you are… as soon as you yank the scarf/shirt/blanket away and make eye contact, those sweet giggles just burst out of you. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of playing that game!! You also are starting to give kisses, which of course just melts my heart. They’re messy, but they are perfect.
As you grow and get a little personality and continue to get more and more mobile, you challenge me. The mama and the photographer in me were feeling all kinds of challenged trying to get these photos of you at 9 months old. I’d waited too long to get them, and of course, when you got home yesterday you had a big ol’ bruise on the side of your head. You apparently took a tumble at the sitter’s house right before your daddy picked you up. I got going with photos and being the active little girl you are, I couldn’t get one shot with you smiling or sitting still, much less both!
But you know what, Peanut? That’s ok. Because those bruises show you’re an independent little girl who is going to take some falls but end up walking with her head held high. And those squirmy photos are so you – curious and full of energy. Sitting in the rocker just isn’t going to cut it for you, so I’m happy to have these “not-so-perfect” photos because they are perfectly you as you are right now.
Peanut, thank you as always for letting me be your mama, and for teaching me new things everyday. You are my greatest lesson, my best accomplishment, and the perfect reminder that we should find joy in the little things. The simple things. Your laughter and joy from something as simple as covering and uncovering your face with a blanket are a daily reminder that I (and all of us) need to take a moment to make it a priority to remember that the little things are what can bring us the most joy.
What a precious little girl : ) She’s getting so big!