I think this Chinese proverb is so true… and I think that God plays a major role in where the other end of your red string leads. There are people you meet who you know in an instant will shake your world to its core – people who will make it impossible to stay the same person you once were. There are people you don’t even acknowledge or recognize who impact your life in ways you couldn’t even imagine. There are people who will come into your life and become fixtures, become your rock – your steady constant.
There are people you think will be constants who somehow seem to fade from your life. But the lessons, impact and legacy they were meant to leave will remain with you for the rest of your life.
When we are lucky, one of those red threads leads to our soul mate, our partner, our better half.
When we are even luckier, we have multiple threads that lead to soul mates. Threads that lead to our spouse, threads that lead to best friends, threads that lead to mentors.
If you are in a place where you are feeling alone, just imagine those red threads shooting out from your fingertips, from each and every hair on your head, from your heart. They are all destined to lead you to certain people. People who just may become your steady constant.
If you’ve found the one who holds the other end of the string most filled with love and devotion – hold on tight. And thank God for placing the other end of that thread squarely in their heart.