
Brand & Family Photographer
Houston, Tx

Nacogdoches photographer gray, white and salmon quatrefoil design for Tuesday Top 3 series

Tuesday Top 3

May 20, 2014

Tuesday Top 3 – BIG Goals

Tuesday Top 3

This installment of the Tuesday Top 3 is one that is a little intimidating to post… I may be the only one, but I feel like talking about your goals publicly can be a little scary.

It’s opening yourself up in a real way. It’s not just opening up and sharing life or business as it is, it’s sharing where you want it to go. It’s putting your dreams into words and allowing others to see whether you succeed or fail. It’s the temptation to wonder if others will see your goals as little when you feel they are big. It’s opening up to wonder if others will wonder what makes you think you can get there.

But it’s also freeing. It’s putting it out there that while the here and now and current state of things is ok, it’s not where you’ll be by the end of the year. It’s allowing yourself to forget what others might think, and putting your dreams into action by taking the first little step. It’s opening up to allowing others to support those dreams and goals. It’s telling the world that you’re willing to work for your success – whatever that looks like for you. And honestly, I think it can help to have people to hold you accountable to yourself.

So here it is, y’all. Today’s Top 3 are some of my BIG goals for this year:

1. Cultivate the client experience. I love my clients. I want them to feel like photography is my full-time job. I want to make booking with me so enjoyable that they not only return as customers, but feel like they’ve gained a friend. I’ve got a few ideas up my sleeve for this one, and I’m planning on rolling at least two of them out by the middle of summer.

2. Invest in myself and my gear. I am determined (as always) to really grow this year. I’ve already taken one big (and oh-so-exciting) step toward this goal by buying my new iMac, but I’ve got so much more I want to do. I’ve set mini-goals within this one of taking some sort of educational course at least once every 2-3 months. I am also saving to continue upgrading my gear like I did with my computer. Line item goals are a big deal within this BIG goal.

3. Book more weddings. Since finally heeding God’s call in regard to wedding photography, I want to continue putting it into action. I want to not only book 2 more weddings this year, I want to book weddings in which I get to work with my ideal couples – those who see photography as a priority, not a to-do list item. Those who understand that their wedding day is truly about each other and the beginning of their married lives, not just Pinterest ideas and seating charts. Those who make each other laugh, value friends and family, and love each other deeply.


Feel free to leave your goals in the comments, and I’ll do my best to encourage you and help keep you accountable to your dreams. Here’s to making things happen!! 

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  1. Megan Walker says:

    Beautiful goals! Right now, my only goal is to transition smoothly to Florida. This is such a big goal, I am just having to focus on it for now!

  2. […] have during the week, then starting work at 9pm or so to keep building the business, working on the BIG goals, and sticking to blogging. Weeks of averaging about 5-6 hours of sleep can chip into your […]

  3. […] about time to get back on it!! (You can find the other series posts here, here, here, here, here, here and here.)  This installment is an ode to the fall season… which I have to admit we […]

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