
Brand & Family Photographer
Houston, Tx


January 28, 2016

Go For It

That thing you’ve been thinking about?

The one that stirs up the butterflies in your stomach and catapults you into a daydream about where you could end up?

The one that is so wrapped up in your hopes and dreams that the thought of the first step terrifies you?

The one that seems to always find its way into your thoughts, whether you’re asleep or awake?

Take a deep breath and then go for it.


Take that first step, no matter the size. Sign up for the class. Make the call. Send the email. Write the first chapter. Pick up the brush. Step timidly into that first baby step, or leap head-first into it. Just go for it.

Because while the dream of it – whatever your itย is – might be great, you’ll never know how much more amazing the reality of it is if you don’t take that first step and go for it.

Tell me – what’s your “it” that you’ve been dreaming of doing? Putting it out there in words can be your first baby step – so share it in the comments!ย 

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  1. Janine says:

    This blog really perked my interest!. I’ve always had a love for photography but until recently it’s always been just a here and there hobby and not truly understand ding what the capabilities of a camera can hold (which I still haven’t completely understood) however with a supporting boyfriend who wants me to look into it more he’s gotten me excited about proceeding with taking classes and hopefully in the future having a part time job as a photographer.

    I love looking at others pictures and finding out insights and tips on how to take the right picture, poses, backgrounds, etc. I’m hoping in 5 years to have something off the ground with my business and I know if I keep my mind on my goal. I CAN DO IT ๐Ÿ™‚

    Great post thank u.

    • bmariephoto says:

      That is awesome, Janine!! Go for it! Learning to shoot in manual can be a little challenging (my husband is actually starting to learn now too), but o my goodness is it rewarding once it all comes together & makes sense! There’s nothing quite like seeing an image that you were able to produce just the way you want it.

      I’d love to be able to cheer you on as you learn, so don’t hesitate to share photos or ask questions!

      …and hang on to that man of yours – he sounds amazing! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Monique says:

    My “it” is changing the foster care system….

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